
Yearly view for web google calendar

Hi guys, i very needed yearly view of my calendar and i coudn't find any solution, but a find couple version which helped me to do my own.

Here my version of google calendar yearly view:

Looks not so good, as i may wish, but it works and shows events baloon on mouse over to read full event title.
Gadget is here and you can add it to google calendar via this: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/render?gadgeturl=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sergentum/gcalyearmod/master/year.html

Use it, fork it and i hope google won't close calendar gadgets :)

Запилил от безысходности свой вариант годичного просмотра гугл календаря на базе тех полутора что удалось найти в интернете. Установить в свой календарь можно по ссылке выше.